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Community Litter Picking

Community Litter Picking Groups

You do not need permission to volunteer to pick up litter as long as it's on public and not private land.
You can register as a group or an individual, but you will need a valid email address and a password set up.
It's important to consider health and safety so don't work too close to main or busy highways or cause blockages on busy streets and pavements. We can support residents and businesses of the Newcastle City Council area with litter picking advice and equipment. Please check our webpage for more details.
Once registered you can arrange for us to pick up your collected litter
We can collect bags of picked litter when they have been deposited near one of our smart litter bins. When using the form you can input the nearest residential address and the map will highlight the nearest smart bins. You can then pick your collection point and get a reference number for your request, and any bags will be collected as soon as operationally possibly by our teams. Please note they are not able to give exact collection dates.
If you come across large items that have been fly tipped on council land, please report it for removal via our online form
We cannot remove items that are on private land. Your Homes Newcastle should be contacted regarding fly tipping on their areas.